Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2011

You are the salt of this world

 You are the salt of this world

When this fiery dove will ascent upon us,
and shine through our forefront as the sign of the Lord,
we will be able again to pronounce the secret creative word.
This word emanates from the realm that is not of this world,
but is touching this world with an enormous power
that impel our cosmos into completion
in order of the God's plan for man and humanity.
We must be joyful and full of gratitude for our brothers and sisters
that with their sacrifice were able to create this Temple of the Rosicross,
and so, be able to spread-transform this holy foods in our own reality.
Our only response to this bliss must be the total changing-sacrifice of our old personality
through and into the Love of the Gnosis.
impersonal love
are some of the aspects of the reborn soul.
You are the salt of this world.

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