Σάββατο 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2011

Why did Osho own 90 Rolls Royces?

 Why did Osho own 90 Rolls Royces?  Why does Saddam Hussein own dozens of luxurious palaces?  Those desires are products of the base animal mind of two men who grew up in poverty.  Enlightenment does not care about symbols of power and potency.  Looking for hidden esoteric explanations for obsessive behavior is pointless.  Is there an occult reason that Elton John spends over $400,000. per month on flowers?  Is there a secret spiritual reason that Osho had a collection of dozens of expensive ladies' watches? The universal cosmic consciousness is completely neutral and without any need to possess, impress, or dominate.  It also cannot drive or tell time.


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