Τετάρτη 19 Ιανουαρίου 2011

The great work of the spiritualization of the world

 The great work of the spiritualization of the world

It is visible now that we live in times of revelation.
Even the demons openly show their true face projecting all that in the current social misery and poverty seem exquisite and sensual.

What in the past through an allegorical history seemed extreme, and that in only few people could this happen, to sell their soul to the devil because of acquiring property or wealth, this is becoming in an incredible degree today from a wide mass of people.

The negativity that is diffused in the atmosphere is completely onerous to the human system not only causes schizophrenia but an incredible apathy, combined with an indescribable rage.

The progress of humanity as a whole, directed wih a highly successful orchestral way from a dark elite that directs the course of different communities in every country,now degraded by their national characteristics seem identical and unprotected,this progress does not lead only to a deadlock, but the same time into a conflict, not only internally but also externally between people.

It is very easy today with this problematic consciousness of the people with the  combination with their bodies heavy history in medical sense to become easily victims not only through the production of the food chain but also from the supposed drugs that false claimed to cure,correct their health problems while they burden in reality.

All this combined with unspeakable chemicals in cosmetics and health products offers a guarantee fragmentation of consciousness and body.

In the following years what i describe to you, will speed up rapidly,and will become so distinct from all people regardless of education or economic status.

It's a law that when a work is made for the harvest of great number of souls from the Gnostic Field, as we live now, simultaneously the reaction of the eternal enemy is intensify, the ruler of this world.

These radiations from the divine kingdom offer us a correction with the cosmic laws of the primary world, leads us to a complete and comprehensive treatment, a fundamental transformation.
Everyone should learn to respond positively to these radiations internally and externally.

The great work of the spiritualization of the world in which we live is inevitable, anyone who will not be able to react into this, will face specific bodily and psychologically tensions, only one way is left for us, but this path should been experienced fully conscious from every man.

Through an incredible attack by dark forces that are intended to exclude us from the Gnostic message bodily and consciously, our struggle becomes entirely more difficult, and therefore we will need all these pure souls with us,which will be able to carry inside them this Light and thus to spread it everywhere around them.

There is only one way and is invites us into a full fundamental transformation.
The choice is yours.

Translated from my Greek text for all not Greek friends

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