Τρίτη 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Max Heindel a messenger of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood

Max  Heindel,  spiritual  Initiate  and  messenger  of  the  Rosicrucian  Brotherhood,  was  born  in Denmark on July 23, 1865. He became a shipping engineer and eventually emigrated to the United States. By 1905 he had become seriously interested in the study of metaphysics, and spent the next few years consciously working and searching for spiritual Truths. When he was visiting Germany in 1907, the Elder Brother of the Rose Cross who became his Teacher made contact with him on the inner  planes.  
He  was  instructed  in  the  etheric  Temple  of  the  Rose  Cross,  receiving  the  occult Teachings  that  he  eventually  incorporated  into  The  Rosicrucian  Cosmo-Conception,  published  in November 1909. He founded The Rosicrucian Fellowship in August 1909, and spent his remaining years, until January 6, 1919, writing, lecturing, establishing Fellowship Headquarters in Oceanside,
California,  and  generally  spreading  the  Teachings  of  Esoteric  Christianity  -  the  pioneer  spiritual Teachings which will prepare all humanity for the New Age of Aquarius, when all nations will join in Universal Brotherhood.

Some books :

"The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception"

 "The Rosicrucian Mysteries"

 "The Web Of Destiny"

"Teachings Of An Initiate"

"Freemasonry And Catholicism"

 "Letters To Students"

"The Rosicrucian Philosophy In Questions And Answers"

 "Gleanings Of A Mystic"

 "Mysteries Of The Great Operas"

 "The Rosicrucian Principles Of Child Training"

 "How Shall We Know Christ At His Coming"

"The Mystical Interpretation Of Christmas"

 "Simplified Scientific Astrology"

"The Message Of The Stars"

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