Σάββατο 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Jacob Boehme - Personal Christianity a Science by Franz Hartmann, M.D. 1919

Jacob Boehme - Personal Christianity a Science by Franz Hartmann, M.D. 1919


 "The following is an attempt to present an epitome of the principal doctrines of Jacob Boehme in a certain systematic order, so as to afford a general view of them and to serve as an introduction to the study of Boehme's works."
"The greatest obstacle to the understanding of the mysteries of the religion of the living Christ, is the very narrow view which we have become accustomed to take of them, according to the merely external and superficial interpretation of the Old and New Testaments. A study of Boehme's writings, by means of entering into the spirit in which they were written, is sure to expand the mind and to elevate the heart of the reader, giving him a greater and more sublime conception of God, Nature, and Man, than any other book of which I know."



"Without special divine aid, humanity would have gone to  eternal perdition on account of the sin." (Hamberger,)
Adam would have been lost eternally if the heart of God with the word of promise had not entered his soul, awakening the spiritual  hope which maintained him."  (Forty Questions, viii.  5.)

" If the divine principle oflove were not still pervading all nature in this terrestrial world, and if we poor created beings had not with us the warrior in the battle,we would all be sure to perish in the horror of hell." (Aurora, xiv. 104.)
God, on account of His infinite mercy, desired to aid mankind.

"God desires that all mankind shall be saved.He does not desire the death of the sinner, but that he become changed, and turning again to God, find life in Him."  {Three Principles, Preface i, 6.)

"(Superficial) reasoning represents God as an unmerciful being, and teaches that He has thrown His wrath upon man, and cursed him to death, because He found disobedience in him.  But you should not believe this. God is love and goodness, and in Him there is no angry thought. Man would be all right if he had not punished himself."  {Three Principles, x.  24.)

"There was no other way to save mankind, except that the Son or the Light of God should enter into them. When the soul went out of the light of God and entered into the spirit of this world, then began the torment of the first principle.   She saw and felt herself no longer in the kingdom of God, until the heart of God came and appeared between her and that kingdom, so that she could enter therein and become regenerated. " {Three Principles, ix.  6.)

"There was no other salvation for the divine image in man unless divinity had moved according to the second principle, i e., according to the light of eternal life, and by the power of love rekindled the substantiality (of the soul) that was imprisoned in death." {Menschwerdung, i. ii, 22.)

"The soul has separated her will from the will of the Father and entered into the lust of this life. There could have been no other way of redemption, except that the pure will of the Father should again enter into her substance and bring her again into the state
which she formerly occupied, so that her will would be directed again into the heart and light of God." {Three Principles, xxii. 67.)

"If the soul was to be aided, the heart of God with its light, and not the Father Himself, had to enter her,for in the Father she was anyhow ; but she was turned away from the entrance to the generation of the heart (the beginning ofthe divine elf-consciousness) of God,and her desires were directed towards this  external world."  {Three Principles, xxii. 68.)


 Χωρίς αυτήν την ειδική Θεϊκή βοήθεια, η ανθρωπότητα θα είχε οδηγηθεί μέσα σε μια αιώνια κόλαση εξ αιτίας της αμαρτίας

Ο Αδάμ θα είχε χαθεί για πάντα εάν η καρδιά του Θεού με τον λόγο της υπόσχεσης δεν είχε εισέλθει μέσα στην ψυχή του, αφυπνίζοντας την πνευματική βοήθεια η οποία τον διατήρησε.

Εάν η θεϊκή αρχή της αγάπης δεν είχε διαπεράσει όλη την φύση σε αυτό τον επίγειο κόσμο, και αν εμείς τα φτωχά δημιουργημένα όντα δεν είχαμε μαζί μας τον πολεμιστή στην μάχη, εμείς όλοι θα χανόμασταν σίγουρα μέσα στην φρίκη της κόλασης
Ο Θεός λόγω του άπειρου ελέους του, θέλησε να βοηθήσει την ανθρωπότητα

Ο Θεός επιθυμεί όλη η ανθρωπότητα να σωθεί. Δεν επιθυμεί τον θάνατο του αμαρτωλού, αλλά του να καταστεί μετανιωμένος, και να επιστρέψει πάλι στον Θεό, στο να βρει ζωή σε Αυτόν

Δεν υπήρχε άλλος τρόπος για να σωθεί η ανθρωπότητα, εκτός από το ότι ο Υιός ή το Φως του Θεού θα έπρεπε να εισέλθει μέσα σε αυτούς. Όταν η ψυχή βγήκε έξω από το φως του Θεού και εισήλθε μέσα στο πνεύμα αυτού του κόσμου, τότε άρχισε το μαρτύριο της πρώτης αρχής. Αυτή είδε και αισθάνθηκε τον εαυτό της όχι μέσα στο βασίλειο του Θεού, μέχρι η καρδιά του Θεού ήρθε και εμφανίστηκε ανάμεσα σε εκείνη και αυτό το βασίλειο, έτσι ώστε να μπορεί να εισέλθει μέσα σ αυτήν και ώστε να καταστεί αναγεννημένη.

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