Τετάρτη 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Christ must be born in us

 Lorenzo di Credi - Geburt Christi

 Christ must be born in us

There are specific people in worlds history, inside them the Spirit breathed some special gifts,maybe they are singers or poets or composers or good heart radiating people.
There, we see the glory of our Father when these gifts touch us deep inside and give birth to such wonderful and soul uplifting feelings.
These gifts are also a testimony and a push to the world above our world,they call it 'Kingdom of Heaven'.
It is a place that our essence seek and wish to live again like in he was before the known time.
We know the way that lead to it,as explained to us in details these last 2000 years.
Let the baby Jesus born in your heart,let the Light of the Spirit make it a reality in you.
The right moment Christ Spirit will trasform you, transmute you in something completely new,a New Man will appeared in this world without to belong to it.
Then you will be also be able to bring His Light into this world of darkness and suffering in a conscious way.I pray for this to be a reality in you.

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