Τρίτη 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Catharose de Petri & Jan van Rijckenborgh

Catharose de Petri & Jan van Rijckenborgh

Catharose de Petri (real name Henriette Stok Huyser 1902–1990) was a Dutch born mystic and co-founder of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, an international esoteric school based on Gnostic ideas of Christianity.

Catharose de Petri founded the Lectorium in 1935 with two other Dutch mystics, Jan van Rijckenborgh and his brother Zwier Willem Leene after meeting them as a member of the Dutch branch of Max Heindel's Rosicrucian Fellowship. The three broke away from Heindel's interpretation of the Rosicrucian message to form their own movement, the Lectorium Rosicrucianum.

With van Rijckenborgh and Leene Catharose wrote several books on the Gnostic vision of the Lectorium, speaking of a transformation of the inner man through the Christian/Rosicrucian Gnosis. In 1956 she and the others met French historian of the Cathars and mystic Antonin Gadal whose theories about the heretical Christian movement of the Middle Ages played a major role in the development of their ideas.

On the death of Rijckenborgh in 1968 Catharose de Petri took over leadership of the movement until she died in 1990 (Zwier had died many years earlier). The Lectorium continues their work today.

Jan van Rijckenborgh (October 16, 1896 – July 17, 1968) was a Dutch born mystic and founder of the Lectorium Rosicrucianum, a worldwide esoteric Rosicrucian movement.

Jan van Rijckenborgh was born in Haarlem, Holland under the name Jan Leene, adopting the name van Rijckenborgh later. With his brother, Zwier Willem Leene he rejected the teachings of the orthodox Christianity he grew up with in favour of a more mystical approach. Under the influence of Dr A H de Hartogh he read the theosophical works of German mystic Jakob Boehme and in 1924, with Zwier, joined Max Heindel's school of Esoteric Christianity the Rosicrucian Fellowship, eventually becoming the heads of the Dutch branch.

Ultimately even Heindel's approach proved not enough for van Rijckenborgh and his brother, who left the Fellowship in 1935 to found their own Rosicrucian movement, the Lectorium Rosicrucianum. By this time they had made acquaintance with female Dutch mystic Catharose de Petri who became a co-founder of the Lectorium with the brothers.

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